Friday, February 18, 2011


Whew…what a wonderfully exhausting day!  I spent the day at Pangani, the largest of the schools and the headquarters for all the other Missions of Hope schools.  Originally they had me scheduled to teach two sessions today, but things are never written in stone over here and I ended up teaching four sessions…920 students in total!  The Pangani children were great…many of them remembered the songs from last year, and even a couple of them from two years ago!  The fourth group I taught today was the school’s music club.  These students were especially great, trying to soak up every lyric and movement I gave them.  It was so much fun to worship and celebrate with these children.  People ask me how I have enough energy to dance and jump so much when it is so hot out.  My response: don’t hold back.  Use every ounce of energy for the moment and don’t worry about what is to come next.  Enjoy the moment you are in.  Worshipping with these kids, you will never run out of energy.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley you are truly amazing!! God bless you and your new students with more energy, an abundance of happiness and love.
